Limes are known for their strong cleansing properties and provide a fresh clean slate energy to any space.
Throughout history, various cultures have used limes to rid negative fear based energies and dark entities in their surroundings. Say goodbye to bad juju and hello to a space that's so zen, you'll want to kiss your mother in law.
What is the Lime Sleep Hack?​
To enhance your sleep quality, you can try the lime sleep hack. Simply cut a lime in half, place the two halves in a dish, and position the dish next to your bed in your bedroom. This can help you achieve a peaceful and restful sleep.
Additionally, if you want to cleanse your home or space, you can burn our CLEANSE candle! Allow that lime essential oil to work it's magic and kick negative vibes to the curb.
Jessica Lynne is a talented medium whose remarkable abilities have fascinated and captivated those seeking connections beyond the physical realm. She is very passionate about using lime as a powerful cleansing tool due to a personal experience she encountered with a dark entity that attached itself to her.
One morning, she woke up with the feeling that someone was in her room, their breath on her neck and scratching her back. She did what any spiritual person would do, immediately got out the sage and palo santo and cleansed her home. It felt slightly better but she could still feel the remnants of the entity hanging around.
Through various explorations during a Kinesiology session she discovered that lime essential oil was the only thing that helped to lift the entity. Jessica decided to safeguard her bedroom with lime "just incase" this nasty entity decided to make a second appearance. She cut a lime in half and placed the two halves into a dish beside her bed. She had never slept better & the house felt instantly calmer.
After she shared her experience on social media and recommended friends and clients to give it a try. Thousands of people began using limes in their bedrooms and were pleasantly surprised by the incredible outcomes.
Her lime reels went viral and she started receiving messages from mum’s all around the globe. They shared that they had started placing limes in their kids' bedrooms and some even diffused lime essential oil and it worked like magic, resulting in their children sleeping for more than 10 hours straight.
Some clients and friends expressed concern about placing citrus fruit around their home so Jessica was inspired to create a lime product line to help cleanse your space.
What better to start with than a CLEANSE candle, filled with lime essential oil and physical limes to bring in some serious positivity, light and good vibes!